Old-Fashioned Applesauce

Old-Fashioned Applesauce

Rich in pectin, applesauce aids digestion and promotes regular bowel movements. Today, we’re sharing a vintage recipe for this simple, healthy treat:


  • 12 tart cooking apples
  • 5 tablespoons sugar
  • ⅛ teaspoon salt

Wash, peel, core, and quarter apples. Put them in a saucepan. Half cover with cold water. Bring to a boil. Cover. Reduce heat and let simmer until tender. Stir in sugar and salt. Cook 5 minutes more. Mash apples with a spoon or force through a sieve. Chill. If desired a little lemon juice, cinnamon, or nutmeg may be added after cooking. Serves 6.

This easy-to-make applesauce recipe yields a smooth and flavorful side dish or dessert. Made with just a few ingredients, it's a perfect way to enjoy the taste of fresh apples, and this version has comparatively less sugar than our contemporary counterparts.

This recipe comes from The American Family Cook Book, published in 1963.