The Spruce gives some suggestions for incorporating Mid-Century design into home interior spaces, and there are a few easy ways to do this. Aside from period furniture (or modern furniture that evokes the style), you can modify your space by adding a wooden slat wall. You can see their suggestions here.
Wooden accent walls fit into this clean, natural aesthetic. As The Spruce explains:
Wood slat walls were a hallmark of mid century modern interiors that have come back into style in recent years, making them look fresh and contemporary for those who missed the trend the first time around. Customize a wood slat wall room divider, living room fireplace wall, or bedroom accent wall with paint, wood stain, and the amount of spacing between boards.
The article continues with suggestions on how to incorporate them into your home decor. Wood slat walls are back in style as a trend from mid-century modern design. They can be used in a variety of ways, including: as an accent wall, to create a room divider, to clad a fireplace or built-ins, as a headboard, or to create a privacy wall.
Wood slat walls can be painted or stained to match your existing decor. They can also be used in conjunction with other materials, such as wallpaper or tile.
The article also includes tips on how to install wood slat walls yourself, and contains helpful photographs for inspiration.