From 1897 to Today: The Enduring Power of Gut Health for Skin

From 1897 to Today: The Enduring Power of Gut Health for Skin

An 1897 beauty guide, simply called The Toilet, proposes that indigestion is the root cause of many common skin issues.

Indigestion, also known as dyspepsia, is a general term for a variety of gastrointestinal symptoms that cause mild discomfort in the upper abdomen. In order to address the indigestion and therefore heal the complexion, here is the advice offered:

One of the best, and at the same time one of the simplest, of remedies for a mild attack of indigestion is hot water. This should be sipped slowly, as hot as it can possibly be taken, the last thing at night, and occasionally during the day. Many people find the plain water very objectionable to the taste, and the insipidity can be remedied by adding a few drops of lemon juice to it. Hot lemonade is equally efficacious, but too much of it causes thinness, and it must therefore be taken sparingly. It is a good blood purifier, and is a pleasant drink. Indigestion always comes on after eating, and much pain is prevented by the taking, after dinner and lunch, of a few drops of essence of ginger in water.

Amongst the foods to be avoided in this complaint are salted or preserved meats, hard cheese, veal, nuts, pork, made dishes, raw salads, or raw fruit. Besides attention to internal remedies, this lotion may be dabbed on to the nose three or four times a day : Four drachms of oxide of zinc, four drachms of simple tincture of benzoin, elderflower water to five ounces. Shake the mixture well before applying.

Women of all ages alike are in the habit of making one great mistake with regard to their food, and that is they often, when out shopping for some time, either go without anything to eat at all, or else they content themselves with a meal consisting of tea or coffee and a roll and butter or cakes, instead of having a sensible luncheon of fish, or soup, if they do not care for meat, which is so much better for them and scarcely costs any more. To this habit may be laid many cases of indigestion.

Thus, the simple advice on treating and preventing indigestion and therefore brightening the complexion: drink hot water (or hot lemon water) to soothe the digestive system, take ginger to prevent post-meal discomfort, avoid certain foods (like salted meats, cheese, and raw foods), maintain regular meal times, and avoid skipping meals or consuming unhealthy snacks.